The Spring Development Initiative accepts interns 16 years and above living anywhere in the world who will benefit from online training modules, including in-person workshops and seminars. Students shall not be discriminated against based on gender or ethnicity.
Students are expected to enthusiastically share our outreach email and SMS messages to their networks. They are expected to join and actively engage with The Spring Development Initiative on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp and contribute their skills in community mobilization, graphics or research. To join, click here to apply.
Each prospective intern must:
1. Be honest and of good character
2. Follow, and believe in the rule of law
3. Be tolerant of other beliefs, faiths and cultures
4. Be transparent in all public interactions
5. Love knowledge and believe in evidence-based decisions
6. Have a track record of service to their local community
7. Have good leadership and interpersonal skills
8. Have effective verbal and written communication skills
Interns will support TSDI in expanding our partnerships by identifying and cultivating members in their local/focus area. For instance, you can support for TSDI to come to your school or organization for a presentation about TSDI or to deliver one of our leadership training modules. Other ways you can help include:
a. Identifying new volunteers and members to The Spring Community Development Initiative;
b. Bringing in new members or motivating existing members to increase their membership levels;
c. Encouraging volunteers to participate in local events;
d. Helping to implement, scale and expand the impact of programs and projects;
e. Providing training using materials developed by the initiative to local change makers;
f. Being available and able to attend meetings via phone conference, offline or online;
g. Serving as the liaison between local partners and the Initiative.